

4–6 Octobre 2023

Comité scientifique : M-C. Arnaud, V.Berthe, Y.Coudène, H.Eynard-Bontemps, S. Kuksin , P. Le Calvez, J-P.Marco, A. Zorich

Comité d’organisation : S. Biebler, M. Chaperon, C. Chavaudret, R. Dujardin, H. Eliasson, B. Fayad, A. Florio, R. Krikorian


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Mercredi 4 Octobre

14h Samuel Tapie Entropy at infinity and applications in negative curvature
15h15 Mario Shannon
Pseudo-Anosov structures compatible with pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms, and the connectivity of the Graph of Anosov Flows
16h15 Pause café
16h44 Reem Yassawi Reem Yassawi Tame or wild Toeplitz shifts

Jeudi 5 Octobre

9h30 Mar Giralt Chaotic phenomena to L3 in the Restricted 3-Body Problem
10h30 Pause
11h Tere Seara Existence of pseudo-orbits which lead to Arnold diffusion in a conformally symplectic system
12h10 Samuel Kittle Absolute continuity of stationary measures and inverse entropy methods
13h10 Pause déjeuner
14h30 Elise Janvresse
Sum-of-digits, central limit theorem and b-adic odometer
15h45 Joanna Kulaga Invariant measures for B-free systems and beyond
16h45 Pause
17h15 Joel Moreira Sets of multiplicative recurrence and Pythagorean triples

Vendredi 6 Octobre

9h30 Nicolas de Saxcé Diagonal orbits in spaces of lattices
10h30 Pause café
11h00 Jon Chaika Horocycle orbit closures in rank 1 loci are nice
12h10 Cagri Sert Stationary probability measures on projective spaces
13h10 Pause déjeuner
14:30 Jenny Wang Periodic data and smooth rigidity for hyperbolic automorphisms on torus
15:45 Livio Flaminio New estimates on the equidistribution of some nilows


28-30 septembre 2022

Comité scientifique :M-C. Arnaud, V.Berthe, Y.Coudène, H.Eynard-Bontemps, S. Kuksin , P. Le Calvez, J-P.Marco, A. Zorich

Comité d’organisation : S.Biebler, M. Chaperon, C. Chavaudret, R. Dujardin, H. Eliasson, B.Fayad, R. Krikorian


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Mercredi 28 septembre

14h Sophie Grivaux (CNRS, Lille) Some new results regarding convergence under ×q of ×p invariant measures on the circle
15h10 Rafael Potrie (UdelaR Uruguay)
Geometric properties of partially hyperbolicity and applications to measure rigidity
16h10 Pause café
16h40 Nuria Fagella (U.Barcelona) Structural stability in complex dynamics

Jeudi 29 septembre

9h Faustin Adiceam (UPEC) Autour du problème de Danzer et de la construction de forêts denses
10h Frédéric Paulin (Paris-Saclay, Orsay)
Partial equidistribution of Farey rays in negative curvature
11h Pause café
11h30 Soutenance de thèse de Julien Trévisan Convergence in distribution of the error term in the lattice point problem
12h30 Pause déjeuner
14h30 Nguyen Thi Dang (Paris Saclay)
Equidistribution of flat periodic tori
15h30 Dmitry Kleinbock (Brandeis University) Dimension drop conjecture in homogeneous dynamics
16h30 Pot de thèse de Julien Trévisan

Vendredi 30 septembre

9h00 Nguyen Bac Dang (Paris Saclay) Spectre du Laplacien sur le groupe associé à la Basilica et dynamique holomorphe
10h10 Zhiyuan Zhang (Sorbonne Paris Nord) : Density of mode-locking property for quasi-periodically forced Arnold circle maps
11h10 Pause café
11h40 Anna Florio (Paris Dauphine) Dynamiques universelles au sein des flots d’Euler stationnaires 3-dimensionnels
12h40 12h40 Pause déjeuner
14h Danijela Damjanovic (KTH Stockholm) KAM rigidity for some parabolic abelian actions
15h10 Gabriella Pinzari (U. Padova) On the co-existence of stable and whiskered tori in the three-body problem
16h10 Pause café
16h40 Dmitry Dolgopyat (U.Maryland) Exponential Mixing implies Bernoulli


7 et 8 octobre 2021

Comité scientifique :Marie-Claude Arnaud, Yves Coudène, Hélène Eynard-Bontemps, Sergei Kuksin, Patrice Le Calvez, Jean- Pierre Marco, Anton Zorich

Comité d’organisation : M. Chaperon, C. Chavaudret, R. Dujardin, H. Eliasson, B. Fayad, R. Krikorian


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Jeudi 7 octobre

9h Jessica Massetti (Univ. Roma Tre) On the existence of Weak Sobolev almost-periodic solutions for the 1-dimensional NLS
10h10 Michela Procesi (Univ. Roma Tre)
Linearization for infinite dimensional Hamiltonian systems
11h10 Pause café
11h40 Susanna Terracini (Univ. Torino) Refraction Trajectories in Central Mass Galaxies
12h40 Pause déjeuner
14h Serge Cantat (IRMAR, Univ. Rennes 1)
Dynamics of groups of algebraic diffeomorphisms of surfaces
15h10 Charles Frances (IRMA, Univ. Strasbourg), Plongements grossiers et actions isométriques de groupes discrets
16h10 Pause café
16h40 Vincent Delecroix (LaBRI, Univ. Bordeaux)
Measured foliations minimality and GL(2, R)-actions on the moduli space of Abelian differentials

Vendredi 8 octobre

9h00 Barbara Schapira (IRMAR, Univ. Rennes 1) Ruelle resonances for the geodesic flow of noncompact negatively curved manifolds
10h10 Ana Rechtman (IRMA, Univ. Strasbourg) Livres brisés et dynamique des flots de Reeb en dimension 3
11h10 Pause café
11h40 Rhiannon Dougall (Univ. Durham) Growth in covers, from a thermodynamic formalism viewpoint
12h40 12h40 Pause déjeuner
14h Valérie Berthé (Univ. de Paris) Symbolic discrepancy and Pisot dynamics
15h10 Marcel Guardia (UPC Barcelona) Breakdown of small amplitude breathers for the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation


16-18 octobre 2019

Comité scientifique :A. Avila, S. Kuksin, P. Le Calvez, J-P. Marco, J-P. Thouvenot, A. Zorich

Comité d’organisation : M. Chaperon, C. Chavaudret, R. Dujardin, H. Eliasson, B. Fayad, R. Krikorian


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Mercredi 16 octobre

Carlos Matheus Santos Counting special Lagrangian fibrations on generic twistor families of K3 surfaces
15h10 - 16h10 Duc-Manh Nguyen
Existence of periodic trajectories through a given point on translation surfaces
16h10 - 16h40 Pause
16h40 - 17h40 Selim Ghazouani Renormalisation and linearisation of generalised interval exchange transformations

Jeudi 17 octobre

9h00 - 10h00 Jacek Graczyk From Painlevé problem to Yoccoz' question
10h00-10h30 Pause
10h30 - 11h30 Jasmin Raissy A dynamical Runge embedding of C x C* in C2
11h40 - 12h40 Hélène Eynard-Bontemps : Smooth times of a flow in dimension 1
12h40 - 14h00 Repas sur place
14h00 - 15h00 Abed Bounemoura KAM theory for ultradifférentiable Hamiltonians
15h10 - 16h10 Disheng Xu Centralizer of partially hyperbolic systems
16h10 - 16h40 Pause
16h40 - 17h40 Bernard Host A short proof of a conjecture of Erdos proved recently by Moreira, Richter and Robertson

Vendredi 18 octobre

9h00 - 10h00 Gabriel Rivière On the value at 0 of twisted Ruelle zeta functions
10h - 10h30 Pause
10h30 - 11h30 Wael Bahsoun On the stability of statistical properties for Lorenz
11h40-12h40 Françoise Pène Asymptotic expansion of correlation for the Z2-periodic Lorentz gas
12h40 - 13h40 Repas sur place
13h40 - 14h40 Martin Leguil Spectral determination of open dispersing billiards
14:50-15:50 Dmitry Dolgopyat On mixing properties of infinite measure preserving systems


6-8 décembre 2018

Comité scientifique : A. Avila, V. Baladi, S. Kuksin , P. Le Calvez, J-P. Marco, J.-P. Thouvenot, A. Zorich

Comité d’organisation : M. Chaperon, C. Chavaudret, R. Dujardin, H. Eliasson, B. Fayad, R. Krikorian

Jeudi 6 décembre

Carlangelo Liverani From microscopic to macroscopic : the Hydrodynamic limit
15h15 - 16h15 Mark Pollicott
Computing the inestimable Lyapunov exponents and dimension
16h15 - 16h45 Pause
16h45 - 17h45 Frédéric Naud Geometrically finite surfaces and fractal Weyl laws

Vendredi 7 décembre

9h00 - 10h30 B. Fayad, G. Forni and F. Hertz Presentation of Anatole Katok’s major contributions to dynamics
10h30-11h Pause
11h00 - 12h00 Corinna Ulcigrai Shearing and disjointness in parabolic flows
12h10 - 13h10 Adam Kanigowski Kakutani equivalence of unipotent flows
13h10 - 14h30 Déjeuner à P7
14h30 - 15h30 Etienne Le Masson Quantum ergodicity in the Benjamini-Schramm limit
15h45 - 16h45 Massimiliano Berti Long time dynamics of water waves
16h45 - 17h15 Pause
17h15 - 18h15 Jérome Buzzi Décomposition spectrale et classification pour les diff ́eomorphismes de surface

Samedi 8 décembre

9h00 - 10h00 Federico R. Hertz Classification of Anosov actions and first cohomology
10h - 10h30 Pause
10h30 - 11h30 Damien Thomine An application of probabilistic potential theory to dynamical systems
11h30-12h30 Dmitry Turaev On wandering domains near homoclinic tangencies


5–7 Octobre 2017

Conférenciers : Marie-Claude Arnaud, Adrien Boyer, Davoud Cheraghi, Noé Cuneo, Bertrand Deroin, Pascal Hubert, Fanny Kassel, Stefano Marmi, Marco Mazzucchelli, Eva Miranda, Yanhui Qu, Laurent Stolovitch

Comité scientifique : A. Avila, S. Kuksin , P. Le Calvez, J-P. Marco, J.-P. Thouvenot, A. Zorich.

Comité d’organisation : M. Chaperon, R. Dujardin, H. Eliasson, B. Fayad, R. Krikorian


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Jeudi 5 octobre

14h30-15h30 Marie-Claude Arnaud
Un théorème d’Arnol'd-Liouville en basse régularité
15h30-16h30 Stefano Marmi Diophantine type and dynamics of interval exchange maps and of translation flows
16h30-17h Pause
17h-18h Pascal Hubert Quelques propriétés du modèles de wind-tree

Vendredi 6 octobre

9h-10h Eva Miranda Hamiltonian Dynamics on singular symplectic manifolds
10h-10h30 Pause
10h30-11h30 Marco Mazzucchelli Minimal Boundaries in Tonelli Lagrangian Systems
11h30-12h30 Adrien Boyer Une nouvelle preuve de la propriété de décroissance rapide (propriété RD) pour les groupes hyperboliques via leur bord
14h00-15h00 Fanny Kassel Représentations d’Anosov et trous de valeurs propres
15h00-16h00 Davoud Cheraghi Quasi-periodic dynamics in complex dimension one
16h-16h30 Pause
16h30-17h30 Laurent Stolovitch Dynamics and singularities of Cauchy-Riemann structures

Samedi 7 octobre

9h-10h Noé Cuneo An overview of non-equilibrium steady states for chains of oscillators and rotors
10h-10h30 Pause
10h30-11h30 Yanhui Qu The trace dynamics of Thue-Morse Hamiltonian
11h30-12h30 Bertrand Deroin Lyapunov exponents of the Brownian motion on a Kähler manifold