4–6 Octobre 2023
Comité scientifique : M-C. Arnaud, V.Berthe, Y.Coudène, H.Eynard-Bontemps, S. Kuksin , P. Le Calvez, J-P.Marco, A. Zorich
Comité d’organisation : S. Biebler, M. Chaperon, C. Chavaudret, R. Dujardin, H. Eliasson, B. Fayad, A. Florio, R. Krikorian
14h | Samuel Tapie | Entropy at infinity and applications in negative curvature |
15h15 | Mario Shannon |
Pseudo-Anosov structures compatible with pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms, and the connectivity of the Graph of Anosov Flows
16h15 | Pause café | |
16h44 | Reem Yassawi | Reem Yassawi Tame or wild Toeplitz shifts |
9h30 | Mar Giralt | Chaotic phenomena to L3 in the Restricted 3-Body Problem |
10h30 | Pause |
11h | Tere Seara | Existence of pseudo-orbits which lead to Arnold diffusion in a conformally symplectic system |
12h10 | Samuel Kittle | Absolute continuity of stationary measures and inverse entropy methods |
13h10 | Pause déjeuner | |
14h30 | Elise Janvresse |
Sum-of-digits, central limit theorem and b-adic odometer |
15h45 | Joanna Kulaga | Invariant measures for B-free systems and beyond |
16h45 | Pause | |
17h15 | Joel Moreira | Sets of multiplicative recurrence and Pythagorean triples |
9h30 | Nicolas de Saxcé | Diagonal orbits in spaces of lattices |
10h30 | Pause café | |
11h00 | Jon Chaika | Horocycle orbit closures in rank 1 loci are nice |
12h10 | Cagri Sert | Stationary probability measures on projective spaces |
13h10 | Pause déjeuner | |
14:30 | Jenny Wang | Periodic data and smooth rigidity for hyperbolic automorphisms on torus |
15:45 | Livio Flaminio | New estimates on the equidistribution of some nilows |
28-30 septembre 2022
Comité scientifique :M-C. Arnaud, V.Berthe, Y.Coudène, H.Eynard-Bontemps, S. Kuksin , P. Le Calvez, J-P.Marco, A. Zorich
Comité d’organisation : S.Biebler, M. Chaperon, C. Chavaudret, R. Dujardin, H. Eliasson, B.Fayad, R. Krikorian
14h | Sophie Grivaux (CNRS, Lille) | Some new results regarding convergence under ×q of ×p invariant measures on
the circle |
15h10 | Rafael Potrie (UdelaR Uruguay) |
Geometric properties of partially hyperbolicity and
applications to measure rigidity
16h10 | Pause café | |
16h40 | Nuria Fagella (U.Barcelona) | Structural stability in complex dynamics |
9h | Faustin Adiceam (UPEC) | Autour du problème de Danzer et de la construction de forêts denses |
10h | Frédéric Paulin (Paris-Saclay, Orsay) |
Partial equidistribution of Farey rays in negative curvature
11h | Pause café | |
11h30 | Soutenance de thèse de Julien Trévisan | Convergence in distribution of the error term in the lattice point problem |
12h30 | Pause déjeuner | |
14h30 | Nguyen Thi Dang (Paris Saclay) |
Equidistribution of flat periodic tori |
15h30 | Dmitry Kleinbock (Brandeis University) | Dimension drop conjecture in homogeneous dynamics |
16h30 | Pot de thèse de Julien Trévisan |
9h00 | Nguyen Bac Dang (Paris Saclay) | Spectre du Laplacien sur le groupe associé à la Basilica et dynamique holomorphe |
10h10 | Zhiyuan Zhang (Sorbonne Paris Nord) : | Density of mode-locking property for quasi-periodically forced Arnold circle maps |
11h10 | Pause café | |
11h40 | Anna Florio (Paris Dauphine) | Dynamiques universelles au sein des flots d’Euler stationnaires 3-dimensionnels |
12h40 | 12h40 Pause déjeuner | |
14h | Danijela Damjanovic (KTH Stockholm) | KAM rigidity for some parabolic abelian actions |
15h10 | Gabriella Pinzari (U. Padova) | On the co-existence of stable and whiskered tori in the three-body problem |
16h10 | Pause café | |
16h40 | Dmitry Dolgopyat (U.Maryland) | Exponential Mixing implies Bernoulli |
7 et 8 octobre 2021
Comité scientifique :Marie-Claude Arnaud, Yves Coudène, Hélène Eynard-Bontemps, Sergei Kuksin, Patrice Le Calvez, Jean- Pierre Marco, Anton Zorich
Comité d’organisation : M. Chaperon, C. Chavaudret, R. Dujardin, H. Eliasson, B. Fayad, R. Krikorian
9h | Jessica Massetti (Univ. Roma Tre) | On the existence of Weak Sobolev almost-periodic solutions
for the 1-dimensional NLS |
10h10 | Michela Procesi (Univ. Roma Tre) |
Linearization for infinite dimensional Hamiltonian systems
11h10 | Pause café | |
11h40 | Susanna Terracini (Univ. Torino) | Refraction Trajectories in Central Mass Galaxies |
12h40 | Pause déjeuner | |
14h | Serge Cantat (IRMAR, Univ. Rennes 1) |
Dynamics of groups of algebraic diffeomorphisms of surfaces |
15h10 | Charles Frances (IRMA, Univ. Strasbourg), | Plongements grossiers et actions isométriques de groupes discrets |
16h10 | Pause café | |
16h40 | Vincent Delecroix (LaBRI, Univ. Bordeaux) |
Measured foliations minimality and GL(2, R)-actions on the moduli space of Abelian differentials |
9h00 | Barbara Schapira (IRMAR, Univ. Rennes 1) | Ruelle resonances for the geodesic flow of noncompact negatively curved manifolds |
10h10 | Ana Rechtman (IRMA, Univ. Strasbourg) | Livres brisés et dynamique des flots de Reeb en dimension 3 |
11h10 | Pause café | |
11h40 | Rhiannon Dougall (Univ. Durham) | Growth in covers, from a thermodynamic formalism viewpoint |
12h40 | 12h40 Pause déjeuner | |
14h | Valérie Berthé (Univ. de Paris) | Symbolic discrepancy and Pisot dynamics |
15h10 | Marcel Guardia (UPC Barcelona) | Breakdown of small amplitude breathers for the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation |
16-18 octobre 2019
Comité scientifique :A. Avila, S. Kuksin, P. Le Calvez, J-P. Marco, J-P. Thouvenot, A. Zorich
Comité d’organisation : M. Chaperon, C. Chavaudret, R. Dujardin, H. Eliasson, B. Fayad, R. Krikorian
14h-15h |
Carlos Matheus Santos | Counting special Lagrangian fibrations on generic twistor families
of K3 surfaces |
15h10 - 16h10 | Duc-Manh Nguyen |
Existence of periodic trajectories through a given point on translation
16h10 - 16h40 | Pause | |
16h40 - 17h40 | Selim Ghazouani | Renormalisation and linearisation of generalised interval exchange transformations |
9h00 - 10h00 | Jacek Graczyk | From Painlevé problem to Yoccoz' question |
10h00-10h30 | Pause | |
10h30 - 11h30 | Jasmin Raissy | A dynamical Runge embedding of C x C* in C2 |
11h40 - 12h40 | Hélène Eynard-Bontemps : | Smooth times of a flow in dimension 1 |
12h40 - 14h00 | Repas sur place | |
14h00 - 15h00 | Abed Bounemoura | KAM theory for ultradifférentiable Hamiltonians |
15h10 - 16h10 | Disheng Xu | Centralizer of partially hyperbolic systems |
16h10 - 16h40 | Pause | |
16h40 - 17h40 | Bernard Host | A short proof of a conjecture of Erdos proved recently by Moreira, Richter and Robertson |
9h00 - 10h00 | Gabriel Rivière | On the value at 0 of twisted Ruelle zeta functions |
10h - 10h30 | Pause | |
10h30 - 11h30 | Wael Bahsoun | On the stability of statistical properties for Lorenz |
11h40-12h40 | Françoise Pène | Asymptotic expansion of correlation for the Z2-periodic Lorentz gas |
12h40 - 13h40 | Repas sur place | |
13h40 - 14h40 | Martin Leguil | Spectral determination of open dispersing billiards |
14:50-15:50 | Dmitry Dolgopyat | On mixing properties of infinite measure preserving systems |
6-8 décembre 2018
Comité scientifique : A. Avila, V. Baladi, S. Kuksin , P. Le Calvez, J-P. Marco, J.-P. Thouvenot, A. Zorich
Comité d’organisation : M. Chaperon, C. Chavaudret, R. Dujardin, H. Eliasson, B. Fayad, R. Krikorian
14h-15h |
Carlangelo Liverani | From microscopic to macroscopic : the Hydrodynamic limit |
15h15 - 16h15 | Mark Pollicott |
Computing the inestimable Lyapunov exponents and dimension
16h15 - 16h45 | Pause | |
16h45 - 17h45 | Frédéric Naud | Geometrically finite surfaces and fractal Weyl laws |
9h00 - 10h30 | B. Fayad, G. Forni and F. Hertz | Presentation of Anatole Katok’s major contributions to dynamics |
10h30-11h | Pause | |
11h00 - 12h00 | Corinna Ulcigrai | Shearing and disjointness in parabolic flows |
12h10 - 13h10 | Adam Kanigowski | Kakutani equivalence of unipotent flows |
13h10 - 14h30 | Déjeuner à P7 | |
14h30 - 15h30 | Etienne Le Masson | Quantum ergodicity in the Benjamini-Schramm limit |
15h45 - 16h45 | Massimiliano Berti | Long time dynamics of water waves |
16h45 - 17h15 | Pause | |
17h15 - 18h15 | Jérome Buzzi | Décomposition spectrale et classification pour les diff ́eomorphismes de surface |
9h00 - 10h00 | Federico R. Hertz | Classification of Anosov actions and first cohomology |
10h - 10h30 | Pause | |
10h30 - 11h30 | Damien Thomine | An application of probabilistic potential theory to dynamical systems |
11h30-12h30 | Dmitry Turaev | On wandering domains near homoclinic tangencies |
5–7 Octobre 2017
Conférenciers : Marie-Claude Arnaud, Adrien Boyer, Davoud Cheraghi, Noé Cuneo, Bertrand Deroin, Pascal Hubert, Fanny Kassel, Stefano Marmi, Marco Mazzucchelli, Eva Miranda, Yanhui Qu, Laurent Stolovitch
Comité scientifique : A. Avila, S. Kuksin , P. Le Calvez, J-P. Marco, J.-P. Thouvenot, A. Zorich.
Comité d’organisation : M. Chaperon, R. Dujardin, H. Eliasson, B. Fayad, R. Krikorian
14h-14h30 |
Accueil | |
14h30-15h30 | Marie-Claude Arnaud
Un théorème d’Arnol'd-Liouville en basse régularité
15h30-16h30 | Stefano Marmi | Diophantine type and dynamics of interval exchange maps and of translation flows |
16h30-17h | Pause | |
17h-18h | Pascal Hubert | Quelques propriétés du modèles de wind-tree |
9h-10h | Eva Miranda | Hamiltonian Dynamics on singular symplectic manifolds |
10h-10h30 | Pause | |
10h30-11h30 | Marco Mazzucchelli | Minimal Boundaries in Tonelli Lagrangian Systems |
11h30-12h30 | Adrien Boyer | Une nouvelle preuve de la propriété de décroissance rapide (propriété RD) pour les groupes hyperboliques via leur bord |
14h00-15h00 | Fanny Kassel | Représentations d’Anosov et trous de valeurs propres |
15h00-16h00 | Davoud Cheraghi | Quasi-periodic dynamics in complex dimension one |
16h-16h30 | Pause | |
16h30-17h30 | Laurent Stolovitch | Dynamics and singularities of Cauchy-Riemann structures |
9h-10h | Noé Cuneo | An overview of non-equilibrium steady states for chains of oscillators and rotors |
10h-10h30 | Pause | |
10h30-11h30 | Yanhui Qu | The trace dynamics of Thue-Morse Hamiltonian |
11h30-12h30 | Bertrand Deroin | Lyapunov exponents of the Brownian motion on a Kähler manifold |